Reliability Based Asset Management - AIM for all asset families

Our consulting experts utilize best in class technologies including Rolta's OneView, Intergraph's Fusion and GE's APM Suite to effect the highest levels of plant availability and asset performance management. We will demonstrate not only how to meet, but how to exceed your target Return On Net Assets (RONA).
Reliability Based Asset Management

The Problem

Maintenance and Reliability are highly dependent on having accurate, consistent and compliant Asset Data. In addition, design, operating data and documentation are essential for effective, safe, and efficient asset integrity management. But owner-operators struggle to manage large volumes of unstructured information that resides in silos across the organization.

The Problem

A Possible Solution

Many owner-operators have resorted to spreadsheets to pull the requisite asset data, work processes and procedures needed to take a systems view of reliability across multiple asset families.

A Possible Solution

A Better Solution

But it is the interdependencies and integrated results of managing this information that allows technology to facilitate good decision making, especially during an unplanned event and subsequent startup of a downed process unit.

A Better Solution

The Delivery Model

In addition to GE APM (Meridium), AOC has teamed with Intergraph using their rule based technology, Fusion, to expedite converting the unstructured docu-centric world of the refinery or chemical manufacturing facility, to the data-centric world of Smartplant.

Intergraph SmartPlant Fusion

And when dealing with disparate technologies and databases, we have teamed with Rolta and their OneView universal connector framework to provide enterprise integration capabilities to integrate these disparate systems using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

The result is a simplified and expeditious methodology for delivering risk based asset management across all asset families.

The Delivery Model

The delivered Solution

It is your choice - we will show you:

  • how to get there
  • how long it will take
  • what it will cost
  • what the value will be to your company
  • how it will exceed your target Return On Net Assetes (RONA)


We will deliver the total asset integrity management solution a spread sheet or as an integrated, sustainable asset performance management program. Whether you are in the early stages of design or a brown field site and/or enterprise looking to dramatically improve plant availability, we can deliver an integrated asset integrity management program across all your asset families. For more detail please contact us.

Simplified Work Process

Service Inquiry

Related Services

Operational Readiness and Maintenance Strategy Development

Development of maintenance strategies, recommendations, and plans to implement best practices and increase asset life

Mechanical Integrity Assessments

An interdependent assessment of your people, process, and technologies for a confident path forward

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Implementation and Planning

AOC has delivered thousands of sustainable Risk Based Inspection (RBI) programs earning the trust of owner operators.

Related Tools

API 580 Work Process Quiz

How well do you know RBI? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge of the API 580 risk-based inspection (RBI) work process.

RBI Potential Savings Calculator

Create mechanical integrity (MI) program value rather than it being seen as a necessary cost to minimize.

Related Training

RBI/MI Overview

A high level overview introducing Mechanical Integrity and Risk Based Inspection

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) - A Mechanical Integrity Best Practice

What are your goals for RBI? How will you measure your success? How will you sustain that success?

Value Proposition

Developing the value proposition and business case for an RBI program

API 580 RBI Overview

What impact does Risk Based Inspection (RBI) have on my organization?

Related Knowledge

Plant Management 101: Common Work Processes

A dysfunctionality found in many refineries, chemical plants, and other production facilities, is a lack of common asset management work processes.

Asset Value Management vs Asset Performance Management

A look at how the financial sector's concept of Asset Value Management can be applied to the petrochemical industry.

RBI Value: Both Transitioning And From The Start

A look at how RBI adds value whether you are just starting out or transitioning from a traditional methodology.

Risk Strategies for Pressure Retaining Equipment

What are equipment/inspection strategies in relation to mechanical integrity (MI) and risk based inspection (RBI)?

Hidden Benefits of Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

What are the hidden benefits of implementing Risk Based Inspection?

How to Incorporate the New PHMSA Underground Gas Storage Requirements

This is a practical approach to incorporating the new PHMSA gas well rules into your integrity program with the rest of your surface and subsurface assets.

Proposed API 581 Inspection Plan Optimization Example

An example to compliment our earlier proposal for a risk analysis option that allows for individual damage mechanism risk calculation in API 581

Proposed API 581 Inspection Plan Optimization

A proposal for a risk analysis option that allows for individual damage mechanism risk calculation in API 581

PHMSA vs OSHA Jurisdiction

PHMSA has out for comment, draft document information, that clarifies its jurisdiction in relation to OSHA for Midstream Processing Facilities.

Qualitative Risk Assessment of a Commercial Refrigeration System

A case study presenting the methods used to calculate qualitative risk for a critical refrigeration system and the results of the assessment.