The corrosion plan identifies the locations for potential corrosion mechanisms along with recommendations for preventing corrosion damage from occurring in the process unit. Together with developing integrity operating windows, the corrosion control plan offers a comprehensive approach toward mitigating corrosion-related loss of primary containment in your industries. For example, Susceptible Locations for ESSCC Cracks include
...areas adjacent to penetrations in the insulation that are likely damage sites. Nozzles, Platform supports, Vacuum stiffening rings, piping support clamps are all susceptible locations for ESSCC cracks.
Weep holes in top head reinforcing pads can allow water and chlorides to get behind the repad and concentrate, allowing the cracking to progress undetected. Wax plugs, grease or short lengths of instrument tubing bent in a "goose neck" should be installed in the weep holes to prevent future water ingress. Similarly, ear type of lifting lugs can create a water trap. Since only the sides and bottom of the lug are welded, water can get behind the lug from the top head surface. Lugs should be removed after the vessel is installed.
In short, any locations of water ingress or collection points that can concentrate chlorides are a potential crack location.
An Update on Risk Based Inspection: Bringing Focus On External Corrosion Under Insulation, Stress Corrosion Cracking and Other Damage Mechanisms - NPRA Reliability and Maintenance Conference, 5/22/2012
One of the most important steps in an RBI project is the corrosion study or damage mechanism review.
When evaluation of inspection results suggest that an asset is near its end of useful life, Fitness for Service evaluations can determine if the asset us suitable for continued operation.
AOC has delivered thousands of sustainable Risk Based Inspection (RBI) programs earning the trust of owner operators.
How well do you know RBI? Take this short quiz to test your knowledge of the API 580 risk-based inspection (RBI) work process.
Create mechanical integrity (MI) program value rather than it being seen as a necessary cost to minimize.
A high level overview introducing Mechanical Integrity and Risk Based Inspection
What are your goals for RBI? How will you measure your success? How will you sustain that success?
What impact does Risk Based Inspection (RBI) have on my organization?
Is your Risk Based Inspection (RBI) program aligned with the API 580 Recommended Practice? Are you ready for certification?
What's actually going on inside all of that fancy software? An introduction to the API 581 methodology.
What are equipment/inspection strategies in relation to mechanical integrity (MI) and risk based inspection (RBI)?
This is a practical approach to incorporating the new PHMSA gas well rules into your integrity program with the rest of your surface and subsurface assets.
A dysfunctionality found in many refineries, chemical plants, and other production facilities, is a lack of common asset management work processes.
A look at how the financial sector's concept of Asset Value Management can be applied to the petrochemical industry.
A look at how RBI adds value whether you are just starting out or transitioning from a traditional methodology.
Additional process data may be needed when environment, stress, and metallurgy are so alligned so as to indicate susceptibility to environmental cracking.
A simple screening to determine HTHA susceptibility and factors to consider when more data is required.
This article suggests additional factors to consider when calculating probablity of failure for equipment exposed to high temperatures.
This article identifies several factors to consider during data collection as well as points out some guidelines for selecting potential inspection locations.
Things are always changing. Including your risk profile.
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